From April 2015, your options at retirement changed. You are no
longer forced to take an annuity. Now you have four main
options and it is important you take time to consider what the right course of
action is for you.
One: Leave it invested
There is
no compulsion to make any decisions at age 65. If you don’t need your pension
income, you might want to leave it invested. A good pension plan, well
invested, is a tax efficient vehicle providing investment flexibility and
potentially tax free benefits on death.
Two: Partial Income
If you
are ready to take income, you don’t need to cash in the plan. You can take
income direct from the pension, either by making partial encashments or by
using a flexible drawdown. Both options benefit from the tax efficiency of
pensions, but you may still be exposed to fluctuations in fund values.
Three: Annuity
traditional annuity is still an option, providing a guaranteed income for life.
You will have decisions to make, such as single or joint life income,
escalating or level and whether or not you want your 25% tax free lump sum, but
this route might still be the best option for you.
Four: Cash In
the new rules allow you to simply cash in your pension and have the fund paid
to your bank account. The first 25% of your pension fund is tax free, but the
remaining amount is taxed as income. Before you decide on this option, we would
suggest you make sure you check how much you will receive AFTER tax. With even
a modest pension pot, you may find the encashment triggers a higher tax rate
than expected.
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