I'm a percentage-based fee IFA! There, I've said it!
many years I have been a strong advocate of fee-based financial advice. Thankfully, that argument has now been
settled in favour of fees – explicit and agreed with the client. Excellent.
However, now it seems the debate has moved on, focusing on when fees
should be payable, at what level and upon what calculation.
I find interesting is how many people seem to think their model is the only
model which can work and indeed how many people seem to know how best to run my
business – with the most recent bone of contention being percentage-based
ongoing fees.
general tone of the argument seems to be that percentage-based fees are not
fair to the client as they don’t reflect how much time is spent looking after
that particular client’s investments, large portfolios cross-subsidise smaller
ones and clients apparently don’t understand how to work out percentages
(slightly condescending perhaps?).
there is the business argument that firms shouldn’t risk having their income
linked to the stock market and it can’t possibly be profitable to look after a
client with only £10,000 on an annual charge of only 0.5% - expressed in cash
terms that’s £50 per year!
I want to buck the trend and speak up for those firms who, like us, charge
clients a percentage-based ongoing fee.
There are many ways to calculate fees with pros and cons to them all,
and perhaps it’s time to rebalance this debate.
would clarify that we are talking about explicit ongoing fees agreed with the
client, whether paid direct or through the product. I think it should be taken as read that any
firm receiving trail commission, even if rebranded as an Ongoing Adviser
Charge, has a duty, legal or moral, to actually do something for that payment. Firms who receive trail on policies where
they haven’t seen or heard from the client in years are taking money out of a
person’s investment for doing nothing.
That can’t be right and the sooner that is stopped the better.
what’s wrong with percentage-based fees?
Let’s start with the time-spent argument and the assertion that a
£100,000 investment takes the same time to review as a £500,000 portfolio. If all you’ve done is put both investments
into a multi-managed fund, a model portfolio or a DFM solution, then there’s
not much for the IFA to do on the review.
In that case it’s hard to justify differing fees or indeed any fee other
than a nominal admin charge.
that then comes down to what we do as advisers.
My view is we are there to add value.
That means asset allocating, building portfolios and, yes, picking
funds. If you do that, then the review
becomes a completely different thing – monitoring and analysing performance,
assessing the economic backdrop and market conditions and considering fund
switches or rebalancing if required.
With this in mind, would our two investment amounts still take the same
time? Absolutely not. The time spent is proportional (although
granted, perhaps not directly) to the investment value, so why should the fee
charged be any different?
we’re looking at time spent, when did that become the accepted way to charge a
fee? In my experience the client doesn’t
want us to spend whatever number of hours on their investments. They want us to add value to those
investments. What do I mean by
that? Quite simply, they want their
investments to perform better with our involvement than they otherwise would
have. I don’t think they really mind how
much time we take to achieve that. A
percentage-based fee means that if we are successful with our ongoing service,
and the investment grows, so too does our income. Surely that’s a good thing, as it aligns our
interests with our clients.
that with a flat-rate or time-spent fee.
Both would be chargeable at the same level, even if we make a hash of
our asset allocation and the client loses money. There’s no consequence if the investment
underperforms and no incentive for us to provide any proactive recommendations.
move onto the issue of cross-subsidy. If
I go into Tesco and buy a bottle of ketchup for £2, and nothing else, that
can’t possibly be profitable for Tesco.
But they don’t stop me from going into the shop. That’s because they benefit from economies of
scale – the marginal cost to them for me to buy that bottle is miniscule
because I am effectively being cross-subsidised by the large families who are
spending hundreds of pounds every week.
industry seems to be trying to individually cost each client, with the
inevitable conclusion that those with less than a certain amount aren’t
profitable and should be cut free. If
Tesco did that there would be a minimum spend for every visit.
is a fact of life. It isn’t some
sinister tack-tick, it’s a perfectly normal business strategy that allows us to
deal with all clients. I keep looking
after the smaller clients because I don’t know which ones will become larger
client in the future. As long as my
business income as a whole leaves me with a healthy profit margin, even taking
into account those small clients (and mortgages, come to think of it), then I
have a business model that works, regardless of what some industry commentators
might think.